Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

At TRES, we believe that a student is as successful as the environment that supports him/her. That’s why we’re proud to be a PBIS school!

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

PBIS is research-based, person-centered, data driven framework of thinking. Consistency and common language are encouraged and adults regularly teach, reinforce, and review clearly established expectations. Initiatives and systems of reinforcement/redirection are developed to help with establishing a climate where positive behavior is the norm. We want ALL students to experience and engage in a safe and successful learning environment.

Download our Quick Glance Reference for Families

PBIS/SEL:  A Quick-Glance Reference 2024-2025

At TRES we are proud to be a PBIS school. Our goal is to create a community of belonging.

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Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

PBIS is a research-based, person-centered, data driven framework of thinking.  Consistency and common language are encouraged and adults regularly teach, reinforce, and review clearly established expectations.  Initiatives and systems of reinforcement/redirection are developed to help with establishing a climate where positive behavior is the norm.   We want ALL students to experience and engage in a safe and successful learning environment. 

Social Emotional Learning

SEL is a methodology that helps students of all ages to better comprehend their emotions, to feel those emotions fully, and demonstrate empathy for others. SEL is incorporated daily in our classroom community circles.

TREaSured Traits


Four school-wide expectations govern everyone at TRES:

     RESPECT  “Treat others how you want to be treated.”

RESPONSIBILITY  “Take charge of your jobs, words, and actions.”

     INTEGRITY  “Do the right thing, even when it’s hard.”

       CARE “Show kindness and help others who are in need.”



The school’s mascot, Treasure, is a friendly and encouraging retriever.

This year, efforts are being made to streamline the graphics and ‘branding’ of TRES related documents/visuals.  

Daily Pledge


Over the announcements each day, students recite:

             “I am RESPONSIBLE, 

               I am RESPECTFUL,

               I show INTEGRITY,

               I CARE.      

               I am a treasure at Triadelphia Ridge.”  

(Sign-language hand gestures accompany)

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To help students with making positive TREaSured Trait choices around the building, clearly defined expectations are shared, discussed, and reinforced.  For example, how would “Respect” look/sound in the classroom?  Hallway? Cafeteria? Bus?  At recess?

Positive Acknowledgement


As often as possible, staff members aim to point out what kids are doing right!  Verbal/non-verbal acknowledgements increase the likelihood that a positive behavior will continue, so a visitor to TRES will see/hear a lot of compliments, high fives, handshakes, thumbs-up, pats on the back, hugs, and more. We try to frequently encourage effort, perseverance, and initiative with a goal of 5 positives for every 1 redirection that may be needed.  

Treasure Tickets



Although we aim for all students to be intrinsically motivated, research shows that many children (and adults!) respond well to specific praise paired with a visual/tangible/specific acknowledgment.  Treasure Tickets are another way to motivate students (and those around them) to make positive choices. Once earned, students house tickets in a safe location and can choose to trade them in for tangible prizes and/or a privilege on designated days (typically once monthly).   



In an effort to provide a sense of unity, belonging, and connectedness, a school broadcast is offered monthly by the school counselor.  Each installment is approx. 20 minutes in length and contains school-wide updates, footage, and character messages.  Be sure to ask your child about some of the highlights!

Monthly Positive Character Traits



The following character themes are Introduced during monthly TRESmissions:

     Oct   T- TREaSured Traits

     Nov   R- Relationship Skills

     Dec   E- Engagement in the Class and School Community

     Jan    A- A Growth Mindset

     Feb    S- Sharing Responsibility

     Mar   U- Using Collaboration

     Apr    R- Taking Appropriate Risks

     May   E- Enthusiasm with my Work

Student Recognition:


In addition to daily acknowledgements, many students are spotted in a more formal manner with school-wide recognition:

For weekly Retriever Awards, student names are read over the announcements, a special dog tag necklace is received, and a recognition post-card is sent virtually.


Monthly TRES Team Building Days


Special grade-leveled activities are highlighted once a month during our Monthly TRES Team Building Days. Grade leveled teams will designate a time at the end of the month for an activity that supports relationship skills and belonging.

Prize cart



Some students aim to earn tickets mostly for pride, some like to save/accumulate, and others choose to work toward a specific prize or privilege. Whatever the motive, this is another way we acknowledge student effort.  Ticket trade-in typically occurs at the end of each month.