Visit the Triadelphia Ridge PTA Website or on Facebook
President: Claire Reinken President Elect: Shilpa Jain Vice President - Social Events: Ebbie Hodnett Vice President - School Programming: Nadia Virk Treasurer: Steve Penix Secretary: Amanda Carruth PTACHC Delegate: Sarah Knaup PTACHC Delegate: Stephen ReinkenVolunteers at TRES
Thank you for your interest in volunteering within the Howard County Public School System! We value our volunteers and the contributions they make to our students and schools. Everyone visiting HCPSS schools, including parents joining their children for lunch, must complete this volunteer training prior to your visit.In addition, room parents have additional guidelines related to their very special roles. Please review the Room Parent information at the bottom of this page.
Volunteer Guidelines
- Let Us Know You're Here - All visitors must check in at the front office upon arrival. You will need your drivers license to check-in. You are also required to sign out at the end of your time with us.
- Limit Cell Phone Use - Please turn your cell phone off or, at least, to vibrate. Volunteers are asked not to use their cell phones in the school building, as cell phones can create disruptions and be distracting to a learning environment.
- Be Positive! - Volunteers are to be positive role models at all times. Please treat others with respect and patience throughout the day.
As a volunteer, you are required by law to protect the confidentiality of all student information that you see or hear while volunteering. FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), a federal law, as well as state regulations, protect student information. It is essential that you are careful not to divulge any confidential information that has been received during your time spent volunteering at school.
If you should become aware of information regarding a student that you feel needs to be shared, concerns should be directed to a school administrator. The school administrator will determine to whom this information will be disseminated.
Learning Environment
In an effort to support a school environment that is conducive to learning, volunteers are not permitted to bring a child or children with them to volunteer.
For Your Convenience
Adult restrooms are located in the back hallway behind the media center and next to the technology classroom. Volunteers are asked not to use student restrooms or the faculty lounge.
Mutual Respect
All meetings/conferences with staff must be scheduled in advance and may not occur during time with students (including arrival/dismissal times). Please do not attempt to conference with your child's teacher(s) during your volunteer time.
We look forward to having you volunteer! If you are scheduled to volunteer on any given day and are unable to be at school, please call the office as soon as possible.
Parent volunteers who are working on non-instructional tasks (clerical/cut and paste activities, etc.) are to work in the center areas of each team. Only parents who are working with small groups or individual students supporting instruction are to be in the classroom.
Child Abuse and Neglect
Child abuse and child neglect are against the law. Educators, health care workers, police officers, etc. are required by law to report suspected abuse or neglect. In addition, school volunteers, community members, and others are expected to report if there is a reason to believe that abuse or neglect possibly occurred. Reports should be made without attempts to do further investigation, interrogation or other verification of the allegation.
Should you have reason to believe that a child is being abused or neglected, contact the Howard County Department of Social Services (DSS) 410-872-4203 or the Police Child Abuse Unit 410-313-2635, or the Maryland State Police 410-386-3000. Speak to the teacher, an administrator, or the child abuse liaison during school hours if you have questions.
If the abuse or suspected abuse of a student involves a staff member, please notify DSS and then a school administrator.