Message from Dr. TRESler and Mrs. Moraff:
Dear Retriever Families,
TRES is excited to join other HCPSS schools, students and staff in celebrating UNITY day on Wednesday, October 19th. To support Bullying Prevention Month, we invite everyone to wear orange to show we are united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Please see the Unity Day 2022 flier for additional information. Our wonderful school counselors, Mrs. Berdeguez and Ms. Diaz, are teaching lessons about bullying during October and November. These lessons include the difference between bullying and normal peer conflict, how to report bullying, and how to respond to peer conflict. We encourage you to ask your child if Mrs. Berdeguez or Ms. Diaz has visited their classroom yet, and to share what they are learning.
One way we can show UNITY is by celebrating both our similarities and differences. We encourage families to send in a photo with a caption for our TREaSured Moments Board located in the front hallway. The TREaSured Moments Board is to highlight our families spending time at home and our students shining in activities outside of TRES. Last year, the board included family holiday celebrations, religious celebrations, sports, academic competitions, etc. Please consider emailing a photo with a caption to share on our board. Email to Lauren Rifkin at We can’t wait to see our Retriever families' TREaSured moments!
Dr. Tiffany TRESler, Principal TRES
Mrs. Heather Moraff, Assistant Principal TRES
TRES Twitter Handle: @hcpsstres
Upcoming Events
Please visit the TRES calendar webpage to view important upcoming dates.
- October 14 - 1st Grade Field Trip, Gaver Farm
- October 17 & 18 - PTA Restaurant Fundraiser at Cilantros
- October 19 - UNITY Day
- October 19 - 3rd Grade Field Trip, Old Ellicott City
- October 20 - 5th Grade Extended Day Field Trip, Mt. Vernon
- October 20 - Kindergarten Field Trip, Elioak Farm
- October 21 - Schools closed for students
- October 24 - Schools closed for students
- October 30 - PTA Trunk or Treat
News and Information
Volunteers Needed to Restock PBIS Supplies and Prize Carts
School Counselor Lauren Berdeguez is looking for volunteers to assist our PBIS team in stocking/organizing our prize closet and stocking grade level prize carts. Four volunteers are needed each day:
- Monday October 24th at 10am: Please sign up HERE.
- Thursday October 27th any time from 9:00am-12:00pm: Please sign up HERE.
Mrs. Berdeguez will reach out to those parents who volunteer with more information. We appreciate your continued support!
Navigating HCPSS Information Session for Parents Saturday, 10/15
Join HCPSS and the Council of Elders (TCOE) virtually on Saturday, October 15th, from 9:00-10:30am for an engaging session regarding how to effectively maintain communication with your child’s school. HCPSS staff will provide a parent demonstration on how to monitor student performance utilizing school system online resources. Additionally, families will receive strategies to help ensure successful parent-teacher conferences. This session is for families of students in elementary, middle, and high school. To register, please complete the registration form linked HERE. Please see the TCOE Navigating HCPSS flier for more information.
TRES FLU Vaccination Clinic 10/28/22; Pre-Registration Required by 10/23/22
The Maryland Partnership for Prevention, in partnership with the Howard County Health Department and Howard County Public Schools, will be hosting a flu vaccine clinic at TRES October 28th. There is NO COST for students, but pre-registration is required and closes October 23rd. If you would like your child to be vaccinated, please complete the following steps:
- Read the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) and talk to your health care provider or the school nurse about any questions you have. Please access the vaccine information here: VIS
- Give permission for your child to be vaccinated no later than October 23rd using the online form HERE.
Influenza, also known as the flu, is a serious illness that affects people of all ages. One of the best ways to prevent the flu is through vaccinations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu shot. Please visit the CDC website for more information about the flu vaccine, and contact the TRES health room with any questions (410) 313-2562.
Back By Popular Demand…The Maryland Young Authors Contest!
The Maryland Young Authors Contest is a great way for students in grades 1-5 to showcase their writing talents. Students may submit a creative, original piece of writing in the poetry category, the short story category, or both. School winners from each category move on to the county competition. Please contact our TRES YAC coordinator, Lauren Rifkin, at with questions. We look forward to having many students participate this year!
Students should submit an electronic or paper copy entry that meets contest guidelines with a cover sheet to Mrs. Rifkin by December 10, 2022.
Upcoming Events and News
Our TRES website is a valuable resource for all our families to find upcoming events including testing dates on our school CALENDAR. Our school newsletters are also posted there for review/reference under the NEWS tab.
When Your Child is Absent From School
Please see guidance for reporting absences or early dismissals HERE.
Please RSVP for the PTA Trunk-or-Treat
The PTA is excited to sponsor a Trunk or Treat for all TRES students on Sunday, October 30th, from 2 - 4 pm. Please RSVP HERE for ALL children attending so we have a head count for candy and/or treats. All trick or treaters must be accompanied by an adult. Vehicles without a decorated trunk must park at Folly Quarter Middle School. Please make sure your child only visits each trunk one time and don't forget to bring a treat bucket!
We can’t have this event without volunteers! Families that are interested can decorate their vehicle’s trunk and pass out treats in the TRES parking lot OR set up a chair in the grass and pass out treats to children who are walking on the path to TRES from FQMS. Please SIGN UP HERE.
Volunteers Needed for Walking Wednesday
Walking Wednesdays is a PTA and volunteer-sponsored walking/running program that gets our kiddo’s hearts beating faster as they run/walk for prizes during recess. This is 100% Volunteer led and a great opportunity to encourage our children to be active as well as set goals and meet them. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer! Please sign up HERE.
Join The PTA
Becoming a member of the PTA supports the programs and events that enhance your child’s experience at school. The PTA also supports the needs of our teachers and shows them our appreciation! Joining does not require any further commitment, although we always welcome volunteers to help with our various events. Please visit HERE to purchase your membership today!