Message from Dr. TRESler and Mrs. Moraff:
Dear Retriever Families,
We were excited to reveal our new mural and showcase our students’ work this past Wednesday night. A big thank you to Mrs. Schalik, TRES PTA, and our artist in residence, Saz Ross, for all of the planning and preparation that went into creating the mural and making our school entrance beautiful! We were able to bring Mrs. Ross to TRES to work with our students thanks to a grant from the Maryland Art Council and funding from our PTA. The theme of the mural is belonging and inclusion, and student ideas were used to create the final design. Every student had the opportunity to paint and make their mark as part of this legacy piece. You can view the time lapse video and the final project by using your child’s HCPSS username and password to log into Google Drive. Please take a moment to admire the mural the next time you visit us at TRES!
Dr. Tiffany TRESler, Principal TRES
Mrs. Heather Moraff, Assistant Principal TRES
TRES Twitter Handle: @hcpsstres
Upcoming Events
Please visit the TRES calendar webpage to view important upcoming dates.
- February 20 - Presidents Day, School & Offices are closed
- February 21 - Hearing & Vision Screening (see below)
- February 23 - 4th Grade Field Trip, MD Science Center
- February 24 - Permission Forms Due for Author Visit (see below)
- March 3 - PTA Winter Dance & Bingo, 6-8pm (see below)
- March 6 - Spring Picture Day
- March 8 - PTA Meeting
- March 9 - Math Family Night
News and Information
Volunteers Needed for TRES Virtual Career Day - Please Respond by 3/24
Our school counselors’ work includes providing opportunities for students that will help them make future career choices and become career ready by the time they graduate. At this developmental stage, it’s all about career exploration.
During the week of April 17th - April 20th we will be having Career Week at TRES, which will include our Virtual Career Day. Volunteers are needed to discuss different careers in a recorded 2-5 minute video answering questions about your education/training, working conditions, and job description. It is helpful to integrate movement or hands-on engagement activity during your pre-recorded presentation as our students learn in many different ways.
If you would like to volunteer your time and create a video for our TRES Virtual Career Day, please email Mrs. Berdeguez at by Friday March 24th. Please use the subject line Virtual Career Day Volunteer: JOB TITLE. For example, Virtual Career Day Volunteer: FIREFIGHTER. Thank you in advance for your support.
TRES Welcomes Author and Illustrator Kevin Sherry 3/16
We are excited to welcome author Kevin Sherry on Thursday, March 16th. He will be visiting with students in every grade level to talk about his books and work as an author and illustrator. This program requires a signed permission form from every student. The form was sent home with students this week. Please return your signed permission form to your homeroom teacher no later than February 24th.
Visit the Kevin Sherry @ TRES Google Site to learn more about our upcoming author visit and view book trailers.
Hearing & Vision Screening:
Initial screening: Tuesday, 2/21
Re-screening: Monday, 2/27
The Howard County Health Department (HCHD) will be performing hearing & vision screenings for all kindergarten and first grade students. The HCHD will also be screening students grades 2-5 who have been referred by teachers, and newly enrolled students from out of state who do not have a record of prior hearing & vision screening within the last 12 months. An information letter has been sent home for all those in the above-mentioned categories. If parents/guardians wish to opt out, please contact school nurse Kelly Weiss ( in writing.
Spring and Class Photographs Are Scheduled for Monday, 3/6
On Monday, March 6th, we will be hosting Strawbridge Photographers for our Spring Picture Day. Unlike previous years, all photographs must be ordered in advance. Only those students whose families have purchased a package will be photographed.
Please note: Class Photos will also be taken on this day. These must also be purchased in advance if your family would like to have one.
Online ordering is encouraged. Picture Envelopes for both individual and class pictures will be sent home next Tuesday, February 21.
Visit HERE to order individual student Spring Pictures.
Visit HERE to order a class photograph.
If you’d like to use the order envelopes, please fill in all the information and send in with a check made payable to Strawbridge Studios or with exact change for payment. Our yearbook coordinator also plans to take pictures this day of new students who did not have a fall photo for the yearbook. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the front office.
Field Day 2023 - Volunteer Sign Up Requested by 3/15
We are excited to share that planning is underway for Field Day on May 18th, with a rain date of May 26th. This is an all-day event for students. More than 100 volunteers are needed for the day. Volunteers can sign up for the morning, afternoon, or all day. The morning shift is 8:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m., and the afternoon shift is 12:15 p.m. - 3:00 pm. We are asking anyone who plans to volunteer for the day to please register by March 15th to allow our PE staff adequate planning time. If we do not have enough volunteers, we will make alternate plans, which would most likely reduce the event to a half day.
Within a week after you complete the sign-up form, you will receive a confirmation note with your time slot. It will come home in your child’s folder.
Please use the following link to sign-up to volunteer. For the safety of our students, please stay tuned for more details about signing in for your volunteer shift and completing required trainings. We are working through the process to make it as safe and quick as possible. Thank you for your support!
Sign-up Form: TRES Field Day 2023
Volunteers Needed to Assist During Lunch/Recess
We currently have a need for extra assistance during lunch and recess. Please consider volunteering! Your gift of time is greatly appreciated!
Sign up HERE.
TRES Memory Books Must Be Purchased by 3/31
Be sure to order your 2022–2023 yearbook soon! To make sure your child will have a memory book when they are delivered in June, you must order through our vendor. Books will not be available for purchase after the deadline of March 31st! Don’t delay, order today! Books are $20.00. Please view the attached flier for directions to order online. Click HERE to begin your order.
Lunch and Recess Update
Parents wishing to eat lunch with their child(ren) must complete the volunteer training process found HERE. Visitors are no longer allowed at recess. This follows a review of county wide practices. Please inquire at the front office if you have any questions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Upcoming Events and News
Our TRES website is a valuable resource for all our families to find upcoming events including testing dates on our school CALENDAR. Our school newsletters are also posted there for review/reference under the NEWS tab.
When Your Child is Absent From School
Please see guidance for reporting absences or early dismissals HERE.
Help Sponsor Our Retriever Rally
The Triadelphia Ridge Elementary School PTA is excited to host the Retriever Run for all students, families, and community members on Saturday, April 15th, at 9am. Please consider sponsoring our event at one of these levels:
- Platinum ($1000)
- Gold ($500)
- Silver ($250)
- Bronze ($100)
In return,your business logo will be printed on the Retriever Run t-shirt each runner will receive and wear with pride during the race and all year long! For more detailed information and the form to donate visit HERE.
Share the Love February Donation Drive
We need your help to raise the $40k a year the PTA spends on staff and students! Please consider making a direct donation. The grade that raises the most money by February 28th will earn a GLOW party in PE and two students from that grade will be randomly selected to PIE Dr. Tresler and Mrs. Moraff! DONATE TODAY or send a check payable to TRES PTA to the main office with your child’s name and grade level. VIsit HERE to learn more about how the PTA supports our staff and students.
New Date for the Winter Dance & Bingo Night: March 3
The Winter Dance & Bingo will now be one fun-filled evening on Friday, March 3, from 6-8pm at TRES. Even with use of additional space, capacity will still be tight. We highly encourage one parent per family and ONLY K-5 students. We will need several volunteers to make the night a success. Please sign up HERE to volunteer.
Reflections Results from the County Level
PTACHC has announced results for the Reflections Arts Competition at the county level. Six TRES students have won at this level. Congratulations to all winners, who will move on to state level competition!
Community News and Events
Glenelg High School Summer Camp Registration is OPEN. We offer sports camps and returning again this year is our very popular theater camp! You can find all of the information about the camps including the schedule and the registration forms HERE.