Arrival/Dismissal Procedures and Times

TRES Arrival and Dismissal Procedures and Times
Students can begin to enter the building at 8:30 a.m. and the late bell rings at 8:45 a.m. Students must remain in their cars with parents until a staff member is present on duty in the car loop. Breakfast is optional and available for purchase (may be at a free/reduced price - see information below about how to apply for free or reduced meals). Students will be provided adequate time to eat breakfast. Students are dismissed at 3:10 p.m.

We would like to thank those members of our community who completed our survey about our arrival and dismissal procedures last spring. Overall the feedback was positive. A common theme was that the car loop is quicker when parents adhere to our procedures. A few reminders:

  • No left turns in or out of the car loop/parking lot during arrival and dismissal
  • Parents, stay in your cars while in the car loop
  • Students should be ready to exit/enter cars from the passenger side of the car onto the sidewalk
  • Pull your car all the way up to either the top of the loop or close to the car in front of you before your child exits/enters your car
  • For dismissal, have your child’s name written clearly, boldly, and legibly on the provided mirror tag