TRES Retriever Report September 14, 2023

Message from Dr. TRESler and Mr. Hiel:

Dear Retriever Families,

It's an exciting time to be a Retriever! As we visit classrooms we are proud to see our students focused on academics, working collaboratively, and being kind to each other. We have definitely settled into the routines of the new school year.

We enjoyed spending time with parents during our back to school nights, and we are looking forward to coming together as a community for the PTA Family Dance and Picnic on Friday, September 22nd, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. We are hoping for a beautiful fall evening to celebrate the new school year and strengthen community relationships. We are also anticipating a great turn out for the first PTA meeting on Wednesday, September 20th, at 7:00 p.m. This will be a hybrid meeting and joining information will be sent out from our PTA soon. We do encourage you to join us in person if possible. Our PTA does so much to support our staff, students, and families, so any way you can contribute is appreciated.

A few parents asked us to include the link to the new report card resources again. Examples of the new report cards and explanations of the standards and reporting can be found HERE.

Dr. Tiffany TRESler, Principal TRES
Mr. Kory Hiel, Assistant Principal TRES

Upcoming Events

Please visit the TRES calendar webpage to view important upcoming dates.

  • September 15 - Schools/Offices Closed
  • September 20 - PTA Meeting, 7-9 pm
  • September 22 - TRES Spirit Day
  • September 22 - PTA Family PIcnic/Dance, 5-7 pm
  • September 25 - Schools/Offices Closed
  • October 9 - Schools Closed for Students
  • October 11 - Fall Picture Day

News and Information

MAP Assessment Dates
Students in grades 1-5 will be taking the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment beginning Monday, September 18th. Please refer to the school calendar for when your student will be testing as it varies by grade level Our testing window is from September 18th-October 18th. Students will take the MAP assessment 3 times during the 2023-2024 school year, once each in the fall, winter and spring. Taking it throughout the year will provide for additional data points.  

Data from the MAP assessment helps schools and teachers measure your student’s academic progress.  The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly.  To learn more about the MAP assessment, please visit HERE.

There is no preparation needed for students other than getting a good night’s sleep and eating a hearty breakfast the morning of testing.  Please do your best to have your child present during their designated testing time (see School Calendar for testing times). If your student misses a test session, they may miss additional instructional time due to make-up testing. If you wish, you can send in personal headphones for your child (labeled with your child’s name) on their testing dates.  Most students are more comfortable using their own headphones.

If you have any questions regarding MAP testing, please reach out to Mr. Hiel, Assistant Principal and Testing Coordinator, at

TRES 25th Anniversary Memory Book Cover Art Contest
Original student artwork for the front and back covers of the 2023-2024 Memory Book is being accepted through September 29, 2023.  Winners will be announced the last week of October. The theme for this year’s memory book is the school’s 25th anniversary and/or 25 years of belonging.  In order to be considered, artwork must meet the following criteria:

  • Size 81/2 by 11
  • Art should fill the entire paper or the majority of the paper
  • Submissions should be original student work
  • Writing should be proofread to ensure correct spelling
  • Student name and teacher name should be written on the back of the submission

All entries should be turned in to the front office. Only entries that meet the criteria and theme will be considered. Questions should be directed to Dr. Tresler at

TRES is Hiring! Join our Team!
Our school still needs a Daily Building Substitute who works each day at TRES only. The daily rate for a substitute is determined by degree status, and teacher certification is not required for this position.   We also need one Lunch/Recess Monitor.

To learn more, please call TRES: 410-313-2560 or email Tiffany Tresler at

Read And Earn A Sweet Treat
Nothing Bundt Cakes, located at 10730 Little Patuxent Parkway in Columbia, is offering a special incentive for students.  “Books and Bundts” is a youth reading program through which students can earn a free Bundtlet and an award certificate for each month they read 400+ minutes. Students should track their progress on the attached form below and bring the completed tracker to the store to receive their sweet treat.  Happy reading!

Books & Bundts.PDF 


Registration for Girls on the Run's Fall Season Closes This Sunday, 9/17
The TRES GOTR team has nine spots open! Girls on the Run® inspires participants in grades 3-5 to be joyful, healthy, and confident by using running to teach valuable life skills. Teams of 15-20 participants meet twice weekly after school for 10 weeks. Each season concludes with the teams and their 5K buddies completing a 5K run. The Fall season begins September 18th, with our celebratory, in-person 5K event scheduled for December 2, 2023. The registration fee is $185, which includes approximately 20 lessons, all program materials, 5K and program shirts, water bottle, and more. Financial assistance is available! Visit to register. Questions? Call 443-583-7740.

Registration for the HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) Saturday Math Academy Fall Session is this Saturday!
This year, the BSAP Saturday Math Academy will offer an in-person enrichment program for Howard County Public School System students in all levels of math for grades 3-12 based on course availability. Registration will take place online Saturday, September 16, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. until capacity is reached. Class space is limited. Families can register by accessing the HCPSS Connect Website. For more information, please visit HERE or see this flier for more information.

BSAP College and Career Opportunities Night
The HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program invites you to attend the upcoming BSAP College and Career Opportunities Night on Thursday, October 12, 2023 at Long Reach High School. This College and Career Opportunities Night invites scholars in grades 8 - 12 countywide to network with working professionals, colleges, and universities, explore post-secondary opportunities, and learn more about HCPSS pathways. The evening will highlight a variety of colleges and universities as well as local businesses and organizations. To register, please complete the Registration Form linked HERE.

Volunteer Training Required for Volunteers and Visitors
Anyone volunteering at school in any capacity, and parents joining their children for lunch, are required to complete volunteer training prior to their first visit.  Please visit HERE for more information.  Thank you in advance for your gifts of service and time.


Join the TRES PTA today!
Learn more and sign up at Givebacks ( The PTA provides student enrichment, staff appreciation/teacher grants, and events (Dance, Trunk or Treat, Retriever Run, Culture Night, Bingo, Financial Literacy, and Retriever Rally). Without your yearly support, these events would not be possible. Joining does not require any time commitment.

Upcoming PTA Events:

  • Wednesday, September 20 - PTA Meeting, 7 p.m. (cafeteria)
  • Wednesday, September 20 - Chick-fil-A Clarksville Fundraiser
  • Friday, September 22 - TRES Spirit Day. Purchase your spiritwear HERE
  • Friday, September 22 - Back to School Picnic & Dance, 5-7 p.m. Let's celebrate the start of a new school year with an outdoor picnic and dance! Stay tuned for more info. Please sign up to volunteer!

Retriever Run Sponsors Needed: If interested, email

Volunteers Needed for Walking Wednesday
Walking Wednesdays is a PTA-sponsored walking/running program that gets our K-5th graders' hearts beating faster as they run/walk for prizes during recess. This is 100% volunteer led and a great opportunity to encourage our children to be active as well as set goals and meet them. Please sign up HERE.  **If you’re signing up before 9/15, please limit yourself to two time slots per child, to allow others the opportunity to volunteer. Thank you for your support!


Community News and Events

Please see the attached flier for entertaining and educational After School classes offered by Howard County Recreation & Parks here at TRES.
TRES Fall After School Flyer.pdf 

The HCPSS Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations. Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at