TRES Retriever Report March 7, 2025

Message from Dr. TRESler and Mr. Hiel:

Dear Retriever Families,

There are so many reasons to be proud to belong to the Triadelphia Ridge school community! We are looking forward to coming together tonight to celebrate our cultural diversity and learn more about our families. The PTA Culture Night is one of our favorite events each year, and our favorite part of the celebration is watching our student performances. It’s heartwarming to see our children cheer each other on as they perform in front of a large audience to share through dance, music, and other art forms.

Our students also learn about their classmates, family cultures, celebrations, and traditions during our social/emotional learning time. In addition to directly teaching and practicing social and emotional skills, students have opportunities to share their life experiences and perspectives to build student belonging.

Warm Regards,
Dr. Tiffany TRESler, Principal
Kory Hiel, Assistant Principal

Upcoming Events

Please visit the TRES calendar webpage to view important upcoming dates.

  • March 14 - Early Dismissal, 12:40pm
  • March 19 - Spring Picture Day (Individual and Class Photos); (see more below)
  • March 21 to April 11 -  Yearbook Sales Online.  This is your only opportunity to purchase (see more below
  • March 28 - 5th Grade Field Trip, Annapolis
  • March 31 - Change to School Calendar; School Will Be In Session for Students

News and Information

Spring Picture Day is March 19
Picture Day is coming soon! This year, only one envelope will be used to order both spring pictures and class pictures. To order spring and/or class photos, you must return the flyer/order envelope on Picture Day. Online pre-ordering is NOT available for spring photos – the envelope must be returned on Picture Day with payment.

Class photos will be taken on Picture Day and include all students (you can order a copy using the picture envelope). Photographers will take individual portraits of only those students who order photos using the provided envelope that will be collected on  Picture Day.  Please look for the order envelope that will be sent home with your child March 14th!
Spring Photos Flyer-1.pdf

Yearbooks on Sale March 21 to April 11; This is Your Only Opportunity to Purchase
New this Year: TRES Yearbooks will only be available for purchase online from March 21 through April 11.  There will not be any extra copies available later in the year.  If you would like to purchase, please do not miss this opportunity.  Purchase HERE.

Field Day 2025 - Volunteer Sign Up Requested by March 28
We are excited to share that planning is underway for Field Day on May 9th, with a rain date of May 15th.  This is an all-day event for students.  More than 100 volunteers are needed for the day. ​ ​Volunteers can sign up for the morning, afternoon, or all day. The morning shift is 8:45am - 12:00pm, and the afternoon shift is 12:45pm - 3:30pm.  We are asking anyone who plans to volunteer for the day to please register by March 28th to allow our PE staff adequate planning time.  If we do not have enough volunteers, we will make alternate plans, which would most likely reduce the event to a half day.  You will receive a confirmation email from the Google Form and then an email the week before Field Day with more Volunteer Details.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our PE staff.

Please use this link to sign-up to volunteer. For the safety of our students, you must complete the REQUIRED volunteer training by April 11th. These trainings must be completed each school year. If you completed it last year for Field Day, you need to complete it again!  You will NOT be able to volunteer if the training is not completed by the noted date. Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Moroney and Mr. Stirn thank you for your support!

Student Enrollment/Registration for 2025-2026 School Year
Registration for new students for the 2025-2026 school year is open. Children must be 5 years old by September 1, 2025, in order to enroll in kindergarten. Please visit the TRES website to learn more. When completing the online enrollment, families MUST upload the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate or other acceptable evidence of birth
  • Immunization Records from physician
  • Signed original, current complete lease (all pages) or complete recorded deed (all pages) with your address, valid dates, signatures
  • Current utility bill with name and address (non-cellular telephone, gas and electric, cable bill issued in the last 45 days.)
  • Any additional paperwork that may be necessary due to special living arrangements or circumstances.
  • *Registering parent must bring their Picture ID to the front office to complete the registration.

All documents MUST be uploaded with your registration for it to be complete.  Do not submit registration until all documents are uploaded.

Pre-Kindergarten Registration opens for the 2025-2026 school year on March 10th.  Children must be 4 years old by September 1, 2025 in order to enroll in pre-kindergarten. Anyone wishing to register must first complete an application reflecting expanded eligibility criteria that the HCPSS Early Childhood Office reviews for qualification. You can review more information about eligibility on the HCPSS website or contact Early Childhood Programs at 410-313-6836.

Please call the TRES Front Office with any questions at 410-313-2560.

Early Childhood Learning Together Program
The HCPSS early childhood classrooms provide special education services for preschoolers with disabilities in classes that also include children who do not have
disabilities. This program enables all young children to play with each other, develop long-term friendships, and benefit from a diverse and stimulating environment. The purpose of the Learning Together Program is to include children who do not have
disabilities in the early childhood classes located within elementary schools. The Learning Together Program will be accepting applications to attend one of our early childhood classrooms for the upcoming school year. See the attached flyer for more information.
LTP Flier 2025-26.pdf

Counselors' Corner - A Message from Mrs. Wolf and Ms. Diaz
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9th, at 2:00 a.m. As we sleep, the clocks "spring forward" one hour!  Don't snooze on the opportunity to watch our latest TRESmission video broadcast together as a family. This month's 15-minute installment celebrates our February Retriever Award recipients, along with many young authors, PTA Reflections participants, and Raktivists, too.  A review of social-emotional-learning practices is discussed in connection to SEL Day, upcoming on March 14th.  One aspect to help with emotional and mental well-being is to maintain an attitude of gratitude. Students are challenged throughout March to consider:  What makes YOU feel blessed- grateful- fortunate- lucky?  

Link to March TRESmission video (15 minutes)   Enjoy!
Link to staff movie stars sharing the TREaSured Traits 
Article/Tips:  Daylight Saving Time - Don't Lose Sleep Over It (

HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair
Saturday, March 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Cedar Lane School
11630 Scaggsville Road, Fulton, MD

The HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair provides families with information available from the community and HCPSS to support their students receiving special education and related services (those who have an IEP or IFSP). For further information, please contact Registration is not required.

Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey
Parents/Guardians of children receiving special education services in Maryland should have received a copy of the Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey in the mail. By completing the survey, you can share how your child’s school partners with you. Your feedback will help guide efforts to improve special education and related services in HCPSS.

Registration for Girls on the Run Spring 2025 Season is open!                      
Girls on the Run® inspires participants in grades 3-5 to be joyful, healthy, and confident by using running to teach valuable life skills. Volunteer coaches facilitate lessons that blend physical activity with life skill development, including managing emotions, fostering friendships, and expressing empathy. Triadelphia Ridge GOTR will meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45pm - 5pm starting March 18. The season-ending 5K for Howard County will be on Saturday, May 31 at 8:00 am. The program registration fee is $185, which includes lessons, all program materials, 5K and program shirts, a water bottle, and more. Financial assistance is available! Visit to register. Questions? Call 443-864-8593.

Help Wanted- TRES in Need of One Lunch/Recess Monitor
Please spread the word. We need one more daily lunch/recess monitor. This is a 3-hour per day position (10:45am - 1:45pm) The pay is $16 per hour. Please email our assistant principal, Kory Hiel ( if you are interested in learning more.

Volunteer Training Required for all Visitors and Volunteers - Must Complete Every Year
NEW THIS YEAR, COMPLETE THIS GOOGLE DOC (no paperwork required). Anyone volunteering at school in any capacity, and parents joining their children for lunch, are required to complete volunteer training prior to their first visit every school year. Thank you in advance for your gifts of service and time.


Join the TRES PTA today! Sign up at Givebacks ( more about what PTA does by visiting our website, includes a Google Calendar feature to easily add all events to your phone.

Upcoming PTA Events:

  • Wednesday, March 12, 7p.m. - PTA Virtual Meeting - Link and agenda to be emailed to members one week before.
  • Tuesday, March 18, Girls on the Run Begins. Registration is open HERE for 3rd-5th graders for Tuesday/Thursday after-school practices. Help with coaching is needed. Visit the website for more information.
  • Friday, March 21, 5th Grade Baby Photos DUE. Click HERE to upload photos (please name them with your child’s first and last name), click “add files”, you may add their first and last name to the information section, then click “done” to submit.
  • Friday, March 21, Deadline to Submit Yearbook Photos. Click HERE or use the QR code to submit photos of TRES students to be considered for the yearbook.
  • Friday, March 21 through April 11, Deadline to Order TRES Yearbook. See details in newsletter above or on TRES website.
  • Wednesday, March 26, Walking Wednesday Resumes. This is a PTA-sponsored walking/running program that gets our K-5th graders’ hearts beating faster as they run/walk for prizes during recess. This is 100% volunteer-led; please sign up HERE. This program is voluntary for children; there are no compulsory laps. If you would like us to be aware of any special circumstances (e.g., health concerns, special needs, fasting, etc.) where fewer laps will earn a prize, please use the same link to contact the program organizers.
  • Thursday, March 27, 5p.m. Main Event Fundraiser. Join TRES friends at Main Event for laser tag, bowling, and arcade games. 20% of all purchases will support TRES PTA. See flyer HERE.
  • April 11, Square1 Art Orders Due. More details coming soon.
  • KidzArt Classes. Register HERE to enroll in after-school sessions. Use the same link to register for summer camp (now open).
  • TGA Tennis, Golf & Pickleball After School Classes. Registration for late spring classes (4/23/25-6/4/25) is now open. Register HERE. 10% of the registration fees will be donated to the PTA.
  • Purchase your TRES spirit wear HERE

Community News and Events

STEM Roots, a Howard High school-based club dedicated to enhancing K-12 involvement in all things STEM, is hosting a STEM Fair on April 4th from 5 - 8pm for students in grades 3 - 8 to have the opportunity to present STEM based projects to judges. There will also be student-led STEM workshops at the event.

Location: Howard High School (8700 Old Annapolis Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043)
Who: 3rd to 8th graders in Howard County (parents will need to stay at the event). There will be certificates for all who compete.

Please read fair guideline here:
For further information reach out to

River Hill Boosters Summer Camps: The River Hill High School Boosters are sponsoring summer camps at River Hill High School. The camps are designed to help young athletes improve their fundamental athletic skills. Weekly camps begin on June 9th. Over thirty different camps are offered this summer, including football, tennis, soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse, field hockey, volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, weight training, wrestling, “Hawks” Sports camp, and dance. We also offer an Art camp and Video Production camps. Camp schedule and registration can be found at

The HCPSS Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations. Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at