Retriever Report October 28, 2022

Message from Dr. TRESler:

Dear Retriever Families,

As National Principal Month comes to a close, I would like to thank the TRES students for all of the cards, letters, and words of thanks. I’m still reading through them and each one is a beautiful reminder as to why I chose the path of public school leadership.  

Welcoming and greeting more than 600 Retrievers each morning is my favorite way to start the day! This allows me the opportunity to connect with each child, even if just for a wave and welcoming “hello.” I’m also able to gauge which students may need a little  extra care to start their day with a smile, or may need a check-in later in the day. I truly enjoy engaging with students and watching them learn and interact with staff and other students throughout the building.

I also am very blessed to work with and lead an amazing team of educators and support staff at TRES. Over the past few years, new and increasing challenges have emerged in all areas of education, and our staff always work to support each other in helping students academically, socially, and emotionally. I continue to be honored to serve the Triadelphia Ridge School community.

Dr. Tiffany TRESler, Principal TRES

TRES Twitter Handle: @hcpsstres

Upcoming Events

Please visit the TRES calendar webpage to view important upcoming dates.

  • October 30 - PTA Trunk or Treat
  • November 2: Schools Close 3 Hours Early. End of First Marking Period
  • November 3 - Parent Information Meeting, 7pm
  • November 7-11 - Bullying Awareness Week (see below)
  • November 7 - Teacher Conference Registration Opens (see below)
  • November 8 - Schools/Offices Closed
  • November 9 - PTA Meeting, 7pm
  • November 11 - Fall Picture Retakes
  • November 14-18 - American Education Week (see below)
  • November 21 & 22 - Teacher Conferences (see below). Early Dismissal.
  • November 21 & 22 - Book Fair
  • November 21 - Turkey Trot and Food Drive (Click Here to Read More)
  • November 22 - Spirit Day
  • November 23 - Schools closed. Virtual Teacher Conferences.

News and Information

Permission Needed for All Students for In-House Field Trip by 11/11

TRES students are helping design and install a mural that will be featured in the school's front lobby as part of their work with Artist in Residence Saz Ross. The mural will be reflective of the mission and core values of TRES and will include a painted design that will be sealed to protect the artwork. Mrs. Schalik presented the mural theme to 5th grade students in art class last week. They are currently working on their individual mural design proposals. While 5th grade students are leading the design, other students are contributing in various ways to the mural.

Permission slips are required for all students to participate in this special project.  Students in K-2nd grades will work in their scheduled art classes to compose artwork that will embellish the mural.  Students in grades 3-5 will also work on design in their art classes and will break into small groups on designated days to help the artist paint and seal the mural. Students will be supervised during all aspects of the project.

Every family must complete the permission form that will be sent home this coming Monday, October 31st, for your child to participate. Please complete one form for each child at TRES.  Permission slips are due by November 11th.

A sign-up genius will be shared by Mrs. Schalik through Canvas in the coming weeks to solicit parent help during the mural installation January 30 through February 10.  We look forward to seeing this wonderful creation grace our front lobby and welcome everyone visiting our school!

Bullying Awareness Week Begins 11/7 for Students, Staff and Parents

Beginning November 7th, Triadelphia Ridge will participate in Bullying Awareness Week to educate students, staff, and our community about how to spot bullying, how to spot cyber-bullying, and how to stop bullying. Each day will focus on a theme that will be discussed in classrooms during community circle and practiced as a school community. This follows lessons taught this month by the school counselors about bullying.

  • Monday, November 7 - How to SPOT and STOP bullying
  • Tuesday, November 8 - Schools are Closed
  • Wednesday, November 9 - MIX IT UP DAY. Students and Staff wear mixed-up clothing (wacky tacky)
  • Thursday, November 10 - Band-aid’s can’t cover up bullying
  • Friday, November 11 - Don’t be MEAN on the SCREEN

Parent-Teacher Conference Registration Opens 11/7

Registration opens at 8 a.m. on Monday, November 7th, for fall conferences, which will be held Monday, November. 21st,  in person and Tuesday, November. 22nd - Wednesday, November 23rd, virtually. Details and directions on how to register are available online.

Parents of students In grades kindergarten, first, second, third, and fifth should register for a conference with the homeroom teacher. Fourth grade parents should register for a conference with their child’s math teacher. If you would like to request a conference with a related arts teacher, please email that teacher directly.

When scheduling conferences for multiple children, please allow one full conference time between your meetings to allow for transitions both in person and virtually.

American Education Week is November 14th-18th!

We are excited to welcome parents and family members to visit TRES during American Education Week. We encourage you to visit on Monday, November 14th, to kick-off the week. We ask that if you are unable to visit on Monday that you visit on Thursday, November 17, 2022.

Due to space and school security, we ask that you follow these guidelines:

  • Only adults are able to visit.
  • Sign in at the front office with the Lobby Guard. Wear your sticker in a visible location at all times. You must bring a scannable driver’s license to use the Lobby Guard.
  • Visitors are welcome all day, and due to space, we ask that you limit your visit to one hour.  Ask your child about what part of the day they would like for you to visit.
  • If you are joining for lunch, there may not be space for all parents to sit for our grades with larger numbers of students. Please ensure that all students have a place to sit to eat.

Parking Reminders:

  • No cars can be parked in the bus area from 8:30-9:00 a.m.
  • All cars must leave the bus area by 2:30 p.m.
  • Do not park in the fire lane and car riders pick up/drop off area.
  • Do not park in reserved spots or spots with cones.
  • Please be considerate of our neighbors and do not park in their yards.
  • Parking available in the overflow lot (grass lot).

TRES Rock Garden

Our school extends a special thank you to former TRES student Emily Perez who worked to revamp our Rock Garden in front of the school as her Eagle Scout project.  It is now a beautiful part of our school grounds. We encourage you to check it out next time you are at TRES! Thank you, Emily!

Back By Popular Demand…The Maryland Young Authors Contest!

The Maryland Young Authors Contest is a great way for students in grades 1-5 to showcase their writing talents. Students may submit a creative, original piece of writing in the poetry category, the short story category, or both. School winners from each category move on to the county competition. Please contact our TRES YAC coordinator, Lauren Rifkin, at with questions. We look forward to having many students participate this year!

Students should submit an electronic or paper copy entry that meets contest guidelines with a cover sheet to Mrs. Rifkin by December 10, 2022.

Upcoming Events and News

Our TRES website is a valuable resource for all our families to find upcoming events including testing dates on our school CALENDAR.  Our school newsletters are also posted there for review/reference under the NEWS tab.

When Your Child is Absent From School

Please see guidance for reporting absences or early dismissals HERE.


Trunk-or-Treat Thank You!

The PTA would like to thank Costco and Giant Food of Clarksville for donating funds to purchase candy for our Trunk or Treat! Also, thank you to everyone who has sent candy into the office or made a donation for the event!

Volunteers Needed for Walking Wednesday

Walking Wednesdays is a PTA and volunteer-sponsored walking/running program that gets our kiddo’s hearts beating faster as they run/walk for prizes during recess. This is 100% Volunteer led and a great opportunity to encourage our children to be active as well as set goals and meet them. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer! Please sign up HERE.  

Join The PTA

Becoming a member of the PTA supports the programs and events that enhance your child’s experience at school. The PTA also supports the needs of our teachers and shows them our appreciation! Joining does not require any further commitment, although we always welcome volunteers to help with our various events. Please visit HERE to purchase your membership today!