TRES Retriever Report March 1, 2024

Message from Dr. TRESler and Mr. Hiel:

Dear Retriever Families,

On this last day of employee appreciation week, we would like to share with you how thankful we are to lead with the amazing staff at TRES! We are fortunate to have a team of educators who work together, across positions and grade levels, to seek creative solutions for supporting all of our students. From our custodial team who takes pride in having a clean learning environment, to our paras who assist students academically and socially/emotionally, every TRES employee is critical and valued!

In our last Retriever Report, we shared some shout outs about staff members working on special projects at TRES. In this message, we would like to highlight the work of our outstanding media team for two special projects for our students this month. Mrs. Spangler, Mrs. Jenkins, and Ms. Schmitt coordinated both the Cardboard Challenge in mid-February and the author visit this past week. Thank you to them for all of their hard work to bring these opportunities to our students!

We look forward to sharing more about our dedicated staff members in future newsletters!

Dr. Tiffany TRESler, Principal TRES
Mr. Kory Hiel, Assistant Principal TRES 

Upcoming Events

Please visit the TRES calendar webpage to view important upcoming dates.

  • March 4 - Spring and Class Photos (see below)
  • March 4 - Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25 opens (see below)
  • March 6 - PTA Meeting, 7pm
  • March 11 - PreK Registration for 2024-25 opens (see below)
  • March 13 - Early Dismissal, 12:15 pm
  • March 15 - PTA Financial Literacy Night, 6:30-8pm
  • March 20 - Kindergarten Field Trip
  • March 22 - Yearbook Order Deadline (see below)
  • March 22 - Field Day Volunteer Sign Up Deadline (see below)
  • March 25 thru April 1 - Spring Break, Schools Closed

News and Information

Students Fasting for Ramadan
Happy Ramadan to our Muslim families! If your child is fasting and would like an alternative to the cafeteria during lunch, please email your child’s teacher and copy Dr. Tresler ( and Mrs. Spangler (  We will offer the library or another space as needed.

Spring/Class Picture Day is Monday March 4
Photographers will be at TRES March 4 to take Spring individual portraits and homeroom/class photos. Paper order forms were sent home.  All photographs must be ordered in advance. Only those students whose families have purchased an individual package will be photographed. You can see the order forms with information to complete your purchase online using the links below.

Spring Portrait Order
Classroom Group Photo Order

Kindergarten and PreKindergarten Registration for 2024-2025 School Year
Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins Monday, March 4th.   Children must be 5 years old by September 1, 2024, in order to enroll in kindergarten. HCPSS prekindergarten students do not need to register for kindergarten.

PreKindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins Monday, March 11th.  Children must be 4 years old by September 1, 2024, in order to enroll in prekindergarten. Anyone wishing to register must first complete an application that the HCPSS Early Childhood Office reviews for qualification. You can review more information about eligibility on the HCPSS website.

Please visit the TRES Website and click on the front page link to learn more about enrolling for the fall.

Deadline To Order Your TRES 2023-2024 Yearbook is March 22
See TRES 2023-2024 Yearbooks.  Please visit HERE to order (only online orders accepted).

  • You can order through March 22, 2024.  No orders will be accepted after this date. Please be sure to place your order if you would like a yearbook for your child.
  • This year all purchases will be assessed a $1.99 charge that the vendor must pay for credit card transactions.
  • Yearbooks will be distributed toward the end of the school year, once they have finished in production and are received at TRES.

Field Day 2024 - Volunteer Sign Up Requested by March 22
We are excited to share that planning is underway for Field Day on May 10th, with a rain date of May 16th.  This is an all-day event for students.  More than 100 volunteers are needed for the day. ​ ​Morning slots are mostly filled.  At this time we really need volunteers for the afternoon in order to offer a full day event. The morning shift is 8:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m., and the afternoon shift is 12:15 p.m. - 3:00 pm.  We are asking anyone who plans to volunteer to please register by March 22nd using the link below to allow our PE staff adequate planning time. Shortly after you complete the sign-up form, you will receive a confirmation note with your time slot.  It will come home in your child’s folder.

For the safety of our students, all volunteers must complete both HCPSS required trainings linked below and  submit by April 26th. Day of papers will not be accepted!  These trainings must be completed each school year. If you have already completed and the front office has received your documents, you do not need to complete again. Thank you for your support! - -Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Harrison

Sign-up Google Form
Volunteer Requirements

BSA Food Drive March 11-15
Join Scouts from Pack 761 in their mission to fight hunger in Howard County.  Please donate nonperishable food between March 11-15. All donations will benefit the Howard County Food Bank. Donations can be dropped off in the front office at TRES. Below is a list of items that are most needed. For more information contact Sara Cuomo ( you so much for your support!  

  • Bags of Rice
  • Pasta & Tomato Sauce
  • Spices
  • Soups
  • Tuna
  • Peanut Butter
  • Sauces & Condiments
  • Bags of Dry Beans
  • Hot & Cold Cereal
  • 100% Fruit Juice
  • Diapers (size 4+)   
  • Feminine Hygiene Products

AHS Student Club Collecting School Supplies March 9
Educators Rising at Atholton High School is a club for high school students who are interested in becoming teachers or working with children in the future. On March 9th, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Educators Rising will be hosting a drive in the AHS lobby to collect backpacks and new school supplies to donate to schools in the community. Please consider supporting them.

Community Academy: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships, March 9
This virtual session scheduled for Saturday, March 9, 9-10:30 a.m., will explore the dynamics of healthy and unhealthy relationships and how to start conversations with children. In this interactive session, participants will learn how to help their child manage peer conflict and how to identify abuse in teen relationships, and gain skills and strategies to intervene, if needed. Register online.

Volunteer Training Required for Volunteers and Visitors
Anyone volunteering at school in any capacity, and parents joining their children for lunch, are required to complete volunteer training prior to their first visit.  Please visit HERE for more information.  Thank you in advance for your gifts of service and time.


Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent amazing PTA Culture Night, especially chairs Keli Wilson and Lehigh Mearns for organizing the event. The performances, informational displays, and dishes were spectacular. A special thank you to everyone who volunteered, brought a dish, and danced in the performances!

Upcoming PTA Events:

  • Wednesday, March 6th – VIRTUAL PTA Meeting, 7pm
  • Wednesday, March 13th - Main Event Fundraiser from 4:30-7:30pm. On this Early Dismissal Day, grab some friends and join us for fun/games at Main Event located at the Columbia Mall.  20% of sales (arcade, bowling, laser tag, and restaurant) will be donated to the PTA! Please make sure you hand in your receipts to the PTA table before leaving. See flyer HERE.
  • Friday, March 15th – Financial Fun Night for Grades 3-5 from 6:30-8:30pm. See HERE for more information, and REGISTER EARLY as this event is limited to 125 students.
  • Tuesday, March 19th - HomeSlyce Restaurant Night
  • Friday, March 22nd - TRES Spirit Day: Wear TRES colors or purchase spirit wear here

New Event Dates:      

  • Friday, April 12th – Bingo
  • Friday, May 17th – Retriever Rally

Volunteers Needed for Walking Wednesday
Walking Wednesdays is a PTA-sponsored walking/running program that gets our K-5th graders' hearts beating faster as they run/walk for prizes during recess. This is 100% volunteer led and a great opportunity to encourage our children to be active as well as set goals and meet them. Please sign up HERE. Thank you for your support!

Community News and Events

2024 River Hill Boosters Summer Camps                                                                    
The River Hill High School Boosters are sponsoring summer camps at River Hill High School.  The camps are designed to help young athletes improve their fundamental athletic skills.  Weekly camps begin on June 10th.  Over thirty different camps are offered this summer, including football, tennis, soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse, field hockey, volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, weight training, wrestling, “Hawks” Sports camp, pickleball, and dance.   We also offer an Art camp and Video Production camps.  Camp schedule and registration can be found at

The HCPSS Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations. Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at