TRES Retriever Report November 15, 2024

Message from Dr. TRESler and Mr. Hiel:

Dear Retriever Families,

We enjoyed celebrating our TRES family Veterans on Veterans Day this past Monday! It was great to spend a few moments chatting with our Veterans during each lunch shift. A big thank you to our PTA and the PTA hospitality committee for providing lunch for our visiting Veterans.

We have a date now for our Pre-K accreditation! On December 3, 2024, validators from the Maryland State Department of Education will visit our Pre-K classrooms to conduct our final Accreditation Appraisal.  During the visit, accreditors will observe and assess our classrooms, playground, and instruction for best practices using the Maryland Accreditation Standards. Please contact our Pre-K teacher, Melissa Palczewski, if you have any questions about the accreditation process.  Our Pre-K program at Triadelphia Ridge is committed to meeting high standards for quality early education.  We look forward to our visit, and sharing the results with you soon!

We look forward to seeing some of you during parent teacher conferences on Monday, November 25th!

Dr. Tiffany TRESler, Principal
Kory Hiel, Assistant Principal

Upcoming Events

Please visit the TRES calendar webpage to view important upcoming dates.

  • November 18 - Visitors Welcomed for American Education Week (see below)
  • November 18 - Turkey Trot Food Drive Begins; Continues thru 11/22 (see below)
  • November 21 - Fall Picture Absentee/Retake Day (see below)
  • November 25-27 - Fall Conferences (see below)
  • November 25-26 - Book Fair (see below)
  • November 25-26 - Early Dismissal, 12:40pm
  • November 27-29 - Schools Closed
  • December 20 - Young Authors' Contest Entries Due (see below)

News and Information

TRES Hiring Lunch/Recess Monitor
Triadelphia Ridge is hiring a Lunch/Recess Monitor to supervise students during indoor and outdoor recess and lunch shifts beginning immediately.  Applicants should be flexible, caring, and dedicated to student safety and care. To learn more, please call TRES at 410-313-2560 or email Kory Hiel at Please share this information with anyone you know who may be looking for part-time or full-time employment.

    Hours: 10:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. (3 hours per day)
    Daily Pay Rate: $15.00/hr

Parent-Teacher Conference Registration Continues Through November 21
Registration continues for fall conferences, which will be held Monday, November. 25th, in person and Tuesday, November. 26th - Wednesday, November 27th, virtually. When scheduling conferences for multiple children, please allow one full conference time between your meetings to allow for transitions both in person and virtually.

  • Parents of students in grades kindergarten, first, second, third, and fifth should register for a conference with the homeroom teacher. Fourth grade parents should register for a conference with their child’s math teacher.  See directions how to register.
  • If you would like to request a conference with a related arts teacher, please email that teacher directly.
  • Related arts will be hosting one office hour during the conference window. The office hours are for general questions about the content area and expectations. Office hours should not be used for questions specific to your child. The office hours schedule will be shared with parents soon.
  • If you would like a conference with Mrs. Weeks, our .5 G/T teacher, she will be available to meet with parents of CEU students from TRES on Monday, November 25th. She does not have a conference schedule available in Synergy, so please email her at to set up a conference.

American Education Week is November 18-22
We are excited to welcome parents to visit TRES during American Education Week. We invite  you to visit on Monday, November 18th, to kick-off the week. Due to space and school security, we ask that you follow these guidelines:

  • Only parents/guardians are able to visit.
  • Sign in at the front office with the Lobby Guard. Wear your sticker in a visible location at all times. You must bring a scannable driver’s license to use the Lobby Guard.
  • Due to space, we ask that you limit your visit to one hour.  Ask your child  what part of the day they would like you to visit. The schedule is linked here. Parents are not permitted to visit during recess for all HCPSS schools.
  • If you are joining for lunch, there may not be space for all parents to sit for our grades with larger numbers of students. Please ensure that all students have a place to sit to eat.
  • All visitors must complete the visitor/volunteer training form prior to visiting. This is completed once per year.

Parking Reminders:

  • No cars can be parked in the bus area from 8:45-9:30 a.m.
  • All cars must leave the bus area by 2:50 p.m.
  • Do not park in the fire lane and car riders pick up/drop off area.
  • Do not park in reserved spots or spots with cones.
  • Please be considerate of our neighbors and do not park in their yards.
  • Parking available in the overflow lot (grass lot).

Turkey Trot Canned Food Drive November 18-22
Join in this TRES annual tradition. All food collected will be delivered to the Oakland Mills High School Food Bank November 25th, following the Turkey Trot scheduled that morning. Please follow the grade-level wish list below:

  • Pre-K/Kindergarten - Peanut butter/jelly (plastic bottles/jars preferred)
  • 1st grade - Canned fruit/fruit cups/applesauce
  • 2nd grade - Canned soup and/or vegetables
  • 3rd grade - Canned meat (tuna, chicken, salmon, ham)
  • 4th grade - Juice/shelf-stable milk (either individual serving or full size bottle/carton)
  • 5th grade - Canned pasta (Chef Boyardee/spaghetti-o’s)/pasta sauce (plastic bottles/jars preferred)

Fall Picture Absentees and Retake Day November 21
School PIctures returns the morning of November 21 to photograph students who were absent or who would like photo retakes.  Please note the following:

  • Students who were absent will receive a photo envelope to bring home. Please send in with them November 21 if you are ordering portraits.
  • If you are requesting a retake, the entire original portrait package must be returned; please have your child bring the portrait package to the photographer on retake day.
  • Photographers are scheduled to be here until 10:00 a.m. or when they finish retakes, whichever comes first.

Counselors' Corner - A Message from Mrs. Wolf & Ms. Diaz
On Wednesday, we celebrated World Kindness Day by wearing blue and focusing on kind deeds to others. During this (post) election season, it's important for the adults in our students' lives to model collaboration, unity, and a sense of belonging, whether or not our political favorite was elected.

Little eyes and ears are always upon us. We should aim to be a leader and example within our human race.  Let's continue to focus on common ground and shared values, being intentional about continuing with a positive and inclusive community for everyone.  Feel free to access the resources below and/or to reach out to us with any questions/concerns/support needs:

Kindness Ideas for Adults & Students
7 Ways to Support Kids Post-Election
Coping with Election Stress (for adults)

If your student completes the (optional) KINDNESS Bingo board before 11/20/24, a treasure ticket will be given as a small thank-you for making kindness the norm.

It’s Young Authors’ Time!
The Howard County Literacy Association invites students in grades 1-5 to submit their original poems and/or short stories to the annual writing contest called The Young Authors' Contest. Please see the attached Young Authors’ Contest Guidelines for information about the rules and guidelines. All entries must be typed and sent as a Word document, with a completed YAC Cover Sheet sent as a PDF. Submissions and questions may be emailed to Lauren Rifkin at by December 20, 2024.  All Young Authors’ Contest information can be found on the HCLA website.

All students who participate will be invited to a Young Authors’ Tea in the spring, where they will have a chance to celebrate their story/poem and be recognized for their hard work!

November is Native American Heritage Month
Let’s celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of the Native American community! November - Native American Heritage Month.pdf 

Attention Parents of Rising Kindergarteners: Don't Wait for Summer to Address Developmental Concerns
If you have concerns about your child's development - whether it's their speech, motor skills, social skills or learning - it's important to act now. Waiting until the summer for a referral can delay crucial support that your child may need before starting kindergarten. Contact us today to schedule a screening. Let's work together to ensure your child has the best possible start in kindergarten! Call 410-313-7046 or email

Volunteer Training Required for all Visitors and Volunteers - Must Complete Every Year
NEW THIS YEAR, COMPLETE THIS GOOGLE DOC (no paperwork required). Anyone volunteering at school in any capacity, and parents joining their children for lunch, are required to complete volunteer training prior to their first visit every school year. Thank you in advance for your gifts of service and time.


Join the TRES PTA today! Sign up at Givebacks ( more about what PTA does by visiting our website, includes a Google Calendar feature to easily add all events to your phone. TRES PTA is seeking a second PTACHC Delegate; email if interested.

Special thanks to Lynette Love and Amanda Carruth for planning the Veteran’s Day lunch for TRES students and their Veteran family members this week. Additional thanks to Shilpa Jain and Ebbie Hodnett for assisting. PTA would like to thank and recognize Rosie’s Delicatessen (2465 MD-97, Suite 15, Glenwood) for generously donating sandwiches for the lunch.  

Upcoming PTA Events:
  • TODAY, Nov. 15th - Last Day to Register for Retriever Run: The STEAMazing Race, (Saturday, Nov. 16th, 11:00am-2:00pm). Register HERE! For more information, see the flyer. After the 1-mile fun run/walk, participants can attend a STEAM Spectacular (see the flyer), including a performance by Eric Energy. This year’s registration giveaway includes custom Treasure and TRES Paw Print Crocs Charms (see the flyer).
  • Community Giving Drive (aka Giving Tree), now through December 1. Spread holiday cheer and support local families in need by participating in our annual Giving Tree. Shop online through our new “registry." We appreciate your generosity and support! See flyer HERE.
  • TWO DAYS, Sat., Dec. 7 & Sun., Dec. 8th, Kendra Scott Jewelry Fundraiser.  20% of sales will be donated to the TRES PTA when you shop online at and use code GIVEBACK-HXKIX at checkout. Or place a phone order by calling Kendra Scott Bethesda Row at 240-743-2428 and mention TRES PTA. Perfect for holiday gifts! See the flyer HERE.
  • Staff Appreciation: Gifts of Gratitude, through December 20, 2024. Thank teachers, administration, staff, and all those at TRES who work “behind the scenes” to support our children by contributing to a gift via Gift Crowd. Link coming soon.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 4th, 3:45-4:45pm, TGA Tennis & Golf Winter Session After School Classes Begin. Spring class registration is now open for Golf, Tennis, and Pickleball on Fridays. Register HERE. 10% of the registration fees will be donated to the PTA. 
  • Purchase your TRES spirit wear HERE.

Community News and Events

“Alice in Wonderland” with a Mad Hatter Tea Party at Mt. Hebron HS
Join us for “Alice in Wonderland” and an exclusive tea party geared for children 10 and younger before the show at Mt. Hebron High School on Sunday, November 24. Meet the characters, enjoy delicious snacks, and create fun crafts from 12:00-1:30pm. After the tea party in the cafeteria, you will be escorted to your VIP seats in the auditorium for the 2pm show. Tickets for the tea party and show are $20 for children and $16 for adults (all children must be accompanied by an adult). Tickets are limited. You can purchase tickets here!

The HCPSS Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations. Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at